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Re: sql query with 3 tables
Posted by: pan ac
Date: August 07, 2004 05:09AM

On this problem i tried the sql as follows:

SELECT p.author_id, p.topic_id, p.forum_id, p.post_date, p.icon_id, t.title, t.views, t.posts,

FROM p, f, t

WHERE = t.forum_id AND p.topic_id = t.tid

GROUP BY p.topic_id

ORDER BY p.post_date DESC

The results is almost there but instead of showing the lates posts
by members, it shows order posts.

The Group By sucessfully filtered out the duplicate post title,
the it seems to me the ORDER BY p.post_date DESC has not effect-
can't grab the latest post made by members,
the system does not return the latest entry, but rather seems randomly.

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Written By
August 07, 2004 02:58AM
Re: sql query with 3 tables
August 07, 2004 05:09AM

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