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unexpected T_STRING
Posted by: Raj K
Date: August 08, 2004 09:15PM

My original query which was functional in PHP was :
SELECT $db_table_fields FROM $db_table_name where $findin LIKE '%$findwhat%'"

I only modified it to :
SELECT $db_table_fields FROM $db_table_name where $findin LIKE '%$findwhat%'" AND $findin2 LIKE '%$findwhat2%'"

added two new search conditions AND $findin2 LIKE '%$findwhat2%'" and now it
gives me 'unexpected T_STRING on line ...'

nothing more was changed on the query page, why it behaves like this. There is
no help on 'unexpected T_STRING' in the manual. what does it mean and how to
solve this.


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unexpected T_STRING
August 08, 2004 09:15PM
August 08, 2004 09:20PM

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