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Re: MYSQL left joins
Posted by: Peter Brawley
Date: May 16, 2020 07:12PM

Okeh, I understand your first query ...

SELECT categories.*
FROM categories
LEFT JOIN categories AS catwo ON categories.Reference = catwo.Reference

... but your "improvement" ...

FROM categories ca
LEFT JOIN categories catwo USING Reference

... isn't MySQL syntax AFAIK. I'll assume you mean ...

FROM categories ca
LEFT JOIN categories catwo USING (Reference)
WHERE ca.category='ACCOUNT';

... which I'd expect to repeat all ca rows with category='account' plus an extra row for each row where there's a dupe `reference` value. How that could help you search, I've not the foggiest.

I'll have a lash at feeding your requirement back to you in language that I can understand ... you want to find rows where category='account', specifically the reference values in those rows, and list all the other ca.category values where reference=1. Is that it? If not, please elaborate.

Meanwhile your note that "The Checkcode field is a unique field combination of reference number and category" flags a serious redundancy in the table design---the concatenated field adds zero information, the column should be removed. To enforce uniqueness on those two columns, just define one Unique index on them.

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Re: MYSQL left joins
May 16, 2020 07:12PM
May 16, 2020 07:20PM
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