sorry,i need help.My database crashes on average once a day
Posted by:
轶玮 朱
Date: March 08, 2024 01:41AM
The database version we are using here is 5.7.22. Since last Monday, the database has been reporting errors inexplicably and crashes once a day on average. It appears from the error log that an error occurred while writing data to a table using the replace command. But I asked my colleagues and they didn't change the code. Could you please help to see what the problem is causing the error? (The binlog log service is enabled on the database. When the error was reported for the first time, I thought it was caused by too many binlogs accumulated, so I used the reset master command to reset the binlog. After the reset, no error was reported for two days, but the database crashed again on the third day, and the error was the same. I tried to make it up a little bit later to make key_buffer_size,read_buffer_size and sort_buffer_size a little bit bigger, but it didn't seem to help.)
2024-03-08T04:46:51.220641Z 60882 [ERROR] While rebuilding index file d:\mysql-binlog-bak\mybinlog.index: Failed to rename the new index file to the existing index file.
2024-03-08T04:46:51.221841Z 60882 [ERROR] D:\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\mysqld.exe: Binary logging not possible. Message: MySQL server failed to update the binlog.index file's content properly. It might not be in sync with available binlogs and the binlog.index file state is in unrecoverable state. Aborting the server.
04:46:51 UTC - mysqld got exception 0x80000003 ;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
Attempting to collect some information that could help diagnose the problem.
As this is a crash and something is definitely wrong, the information
collection process might fail.
It is possible that mysqld could use up to
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_threads = 2662183 K bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.
Thread pointer: 0x1dad34f7c0
Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
7ff6d2791f22 mysqld.exe! my_errno()
7ffae14bec9d MSVCR120.dll! raise()
7ffae14c4874 MSVCR120.dll! abort()
7ff6d273fdee mysqld.exe! ? erase@? $list@V? $basic_string@DU? $char_traits@D@std@@V? $allocator@D@2@@std@@V? $allocator@V? $basic_string@DU? $char_traits@D@std@@V? $allocator@D@2@@std@@@2@@std@@QEAA? AV? $_List_iterator@V? $_List_val@U? $_List_simple_types@V? $basic_string@DU? $char_traits@D@std@@V? $allocator@D@2@@std@@@std@@@std@@@2@V? $_List_const_iterator@V? $_List_val@U? $_List_simple_types@V? $basic_string@DU? $char_traits@D@std@@V? $allocator@D@2@@std@@@std@@@std@@@2@@Z()
7ff6d27444fe mysqld.exe! ? move_crash_safe_index_file_to_index_file@MYSQL_BIN_LOG@@QEAAH_N@Z()
7ff6d273a852 mysqld.exe! ? add_log_to_index@MYSQL_BIN_LOG@@QEAAHPEAE_K_N@Z()
7ff6d2745a9f mysqld.exe! ? open_binlog@MYSQL_BIN_LOG@@QEAA_NPEBD0K_N11PEAVFormat_description_log_event@@@Z()
7ff6d2744ab7 mysqld.exe! ? new_file_impl@MYSQL_BIN_LOG@@AEAAH_NPEAVFormat_description_log_event@@@Z()
7ff6d2749a83 mysqld.exe! ? rotate@MYSQL_BIN_LOG@@QEAAH_NPEA_N@Z()
7ff6d27465d6 mysqld.exe! ? ordered_commit@MYSQL_BIN_LOG@@AEAAHPEAVTHD@@_N1@Z()
7ff6d273dbd4 mysqld.exe! ? commit@MYSQL_BIN_LOG@@UEAA? AW4enum_result@TC_LOG@@PEAVTHD@@_N@Z()
7ff6d2055527 mysqld.exe! ? ha_commit_trans@@YAHPEAVTHD@@_N1@Z()
7ff6d21f29da mysqld.exe! ? trans_commit_stmt@@YA_NPEAVTHD@@@Z()
7ff6d207b32c mysqld.exe! ? mysql_execute_command@@YAHPEAVTHD@@_N@Z()
7ff6d207ba38 mysqld.exe! ? mysql_parse@@YAXPEAVTHD@@PEAVParser_state@@@Z()
7ff6d2074ad4 mysqld.exe! ? dispatch_command@@YA_NPEAVTHD@@PEBTCOM_DATA@@W4enum_server_command@@@Z()
7ff6d2075afa mysqld.exe! ? do_command@@YA_NPEAVTHD@@@Z()
7ff6d203ab8c mysqld.exe! handle_connection()
7ff6d2a7f5a2 mysqld.exe! ? reserve@? $vector@EV? $allocator@E@std@@@std@@QEAAX_K@Z()
7ff6d2791d8c mysqld.exe! my_thread_once()
7ffae1474f6b MSVCR120.dll! _beginthreadex()
7ffae1475098 MSVCR120.dll! _endthreadex()
7ffb21641412 KERNEL32.DLL! BaseThreadInitThunk()
7ffb22345504 ntdll.dll! RtlUserThreadStart()
Trying to get some variables.
Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort.
Query (1dbfc1ac60): replace into `service`(`Hqkey`,`Exchange`,`HqID`,`HqName`,`HqType`,`Open`,`Close`,`PreClose`,`Highest`,`Lowest`,`Lastest`,`Turnover`, `VolumeTraded`,`Bid1Price`,`Bid2Price`,`Bid3Price`,`Bid4Price`,`Bid5Price`,`Bid6Price`,`Bid7Price`,`Bid8Price`,`Bid9Pric e`,`Bid10Price`,`Bid1Size`,`Bid2Size`,`Bid3Size`,`Bid4Size`,`Bid5Size`,`Bid6Size`,`Bid7Size`,`Bid8Size`,`Bid9Size`,`Bid1 0Size`,`Ask1Price`,`Ask2Price`,`Ask3Price`,`Ask4Price`,`Ask5Price`,`Ask6Price`,`Ask7Price`,`Ask8Price`,`Ask9Price`,`Ask1 0Price`,`Ask1Size`,`Ask2Size`,`Ask3Size`,`Ask4Size`,`Ask5Size`,`Ask6Size`,`Ask7Size`,`Ask8Size`,`Ask9Size`,`Ask10Size`,` Date`) values
(' XSHE233361 ', 'XSHE', 233361 ', 'smooth health', 1,35.2200, 35.3000, 35.3100, 35.5400, 34.9500, 35.3000, 41455387.6000, 1177315,35.3000, 35.2 900,35.2800, 35.2500, 35.2300, 35.1500, 35.1200, 35.1100, 35.1000, 35.0700, 800330 0100116 0190 0100 0720 0180 0200 0800,35.37 00,35.3800, 35.3900, 35.4000, 35.4100, 35.4200, 35.4400, 35.4500, 35.4600, 35.4700, 2400210, 0130, 0260, 0510, 0200200500200300, DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 0 DA
Connection ID (thread ID): 60882