You want to return 1 row?
Without seeing the table structure, I can't see how 1 column "meta_key" can have 2 values "_billing_collection_date" and "_billing_collection_time".
If you mean you want two rows, what connects those 2 rows together?
It sounds like you have got EAV (Entity, Atribute, Value). Such a structure is not a good way to store data in Relational Database.
You can get one of your rows like this.
SELECT order_id
FROM pxyv_wc_orders_meta
WHERE meta_key = "_billing_collection_date"
AND meta_value = "08/04/2024";
The same can be done to retrieve meta_key = "_billing_collection_time"
As a sidenote. It looks like you have date stored as a string in a varchar. You almost always should store dates in a DATE type.
Good luck,