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Need help with {oj... LEFT OUTER JOIN.... ?
Posted by: BV Larsen
Date: March 15, 2006 11:40AM

Hi !

I have just migrated an app to MySQL 5. It connects through a ODBC (ODBC driver 3.51) connection to MySQL srv 5.

It sends the server the following statement:
SELECT DISTINCT telefonnummer.snr, telefonnummer.telefonnr, telefonnummer.fysisk, abonnent.navnbruker,
abonnent.gradtittel, abonnent.avdeling, abonnent.privattlfnr, abonnent.stillingfunksjon FROM {oj {oj telefonnummer LEFT OUTER JOIN abotlfnr ON telefonnummer.snr = abotlfnr.snr AND telefonnummer.telefonnr = abotlfnr.telefonnr} LEFT OUTER JOIN abonnent ON abotlfnr.abonnentid = abonnent.abonnentid} ORDER BY telefonnummer.telefonnr ASC

Can anybody spot the problem ? and tell if there is a way to make the server accept this or show me how the sql-statement should be in order to work ?

BV Larsen

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Need help with {oj... LEFT OUTER JOIN.... ?
March 15, 2006 11:40AM

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