MySQL Migration Toolkit 1.0.18 rc has been released. All users are recommended to update to this new release.
The Toolkit has support for:
1) "Generic migration" from Any Database that has a JDBC Driver.
2) "Optimized migration" from MS Access, MS SQL Server and Oracle.
"Optimized migration" is supported for the following:
Oracle8.1.5 .......... supported
Oracle9i ............. supported
Oracle10g ............ supported
Oracle10g R1........ supported
Oracle10g R2........ supported
MS SQL Server 7 ...... supported
MS SQL Server 2000 ... supported
MS SQL Server 2005 ... to be verified
MS Access 2000 ....... supported
MS Access XP ......... supported
MS Access 2003 ....... supported
MySQL 4.0 ............ supported
MySQL 4.1 ............ supported
MySQL 5.0 ............ supported
If you have tested against a different system please reply to this post.
Changes In 1.0.18 rc
The list of new features includes
- Added number of transfered BLOBs to the log output when Direct BLOB Streaming is used
- Added -D parameter to the grtsh so one can set global shell variables for scripts
- Added logging for Java -> Grt object passing. BaseJava:java2GrtXmlLogging({1}) starts the logging, {0} stops it. The logs are written to "C:\Documents and Settings\[USERNAME]\Application Data\MySQL\log". BaseJava:clearLogs() removes the log directory.
The list of addressed bugs includes
- fixed reverse engineering of table columns for Oracle 8 that got broken in 1.0.17 rc
- foreign keys with multible columns resulted in incorrect SQL
Michael Zinner, GUI Developer
Office: +43 676 753 26 30
Are you MySQL certified?
Michael Zinner, Team Lead, Developer Tools
Are you MySQL certified?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/18/2005 02:56PM by Michael G. Zinner.