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Partitioning & Replication
Posted by: Robert Gunther
Date: April 09, 2015 06:30PM

I started using Partitioning on a table with millions of rows. I delete old data from the table, and removing records with the delete command used to kill performance due to locks while the delete was happening.

The partitioning and dropping the oldest partition has been a life saver.

Now I want to add partitioning to another database, but the database is replicated.

When I setup the partition will those commands replicate to slaves also? I would assume so but just want some verification as I would be doing it on the production table... I can test the partitioning setup in the development environment but that does not have replication.

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Partitioning & Replication
April 09, 2015 06:30PM
April 12, 2015 09:43PM

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