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Export/Import with table partitioning
Posted by: tempman tempman
Date: August 10, 2022 11:56AM


I'm newbie, so I'm sorry. I'm trying migrate a 5.6 mysql database to mariadb (a more new version).

I have a full database backup done (not sure if it's correct with all data). When I do import in target mariadb database all is ok. But I've compared datadir size and it is different. Source is 144MB and target is 84MB, so I've thought that something is bad.

I've compared files with different sizes and I've compared this tables and I've seen that in source DB it has partitions. These partitions are not in target, so I think that it is the problem. What I don't understand is that when I do select count(*) in this tables, it shows same rows in source and target (not sure if in source it is counting partitioned data :-?).

Could someone help me please about how could I export all data and import in mariadb database and all is ok (with partitions)? :-) Thanks beforehand.


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Export/Import with table partitioning
August 10, 2022 11:56AM

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