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Full-text search of exact phrase problem
Posted by: Lukas Pilny
Date: October 11, 2007 03:35PM

Hi MySQL DB friends,

I'm trying to build full-text search in genealogy database. I'm using table, where each person has fullname splitted into two cols - first_name, last_name. The problem came when I'm trying to search exact fullname (IN BOOLEAN MODE), e.g. '"Helena Hartlova"'.

The way the full-text is made, takes MATCH(first_name,last_name) AGAINST('"Helena Hartlova"' IN BOOLEAN MODE) , so it doesn´t find anything, because there´s not such a name in first_name, or in last_name.

First I thought it will be possible to use CONCAT in MATCH(), but nonsense!

Then I even try to create VIEW, where I CONCAT(first_name,' ',lname) AS fullname and run the full-text search there, but no success too.

Does anybody have an idea how can I fix this first name, last name, full name conflict?? Or do I have to make additional column ´fullname´ for each record??

Thanks a lot in advance for any advice.

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Full-text search of exact phrase problem
October 11, 2007 03:35PM

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