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Ampersand problem. Returning too many hits
Posted by: Nicky Precht
Date: March 27, 2008 06:02PM

I tried posting in Newbie forum, but no luck. Here goes!

I'm trying to make a search in Etomite CMS, but I'm having some problems with special chars. I think the Ampersand is the problem.

SELECT id, longtitle, pagetitle, description, content FROM `tocv_2_cv_dk`.martinguld_site_content WHERE MATCH (pagetitle, description, content) AGAINST ('gået') AND `tocv_2_cv_dk`.martinguld_site_content.published = 1 AND `tocv_2_cv_dk`.martinguld_site_content.searchable=1 AND `tocv_2_cv_dk`.martinguld_site_content.deleted=0;

I'm searching for "gået" (gået).
the tricky part is that it matches ALL "å" and not the entire string (gået).
The same goes for &oslash and æ

I should only get 6 hits, but actually I get 73 hits (all pages containing å)

What is wrong?
I tried escaping it and other things, but nothing works so far...

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Ampersand problem. Returning too many hits
March 27, 2008 06:02PM

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