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Full Text Searh from middle of word
Posted by: janaki gokaraju
Date: April 28, 2009 08:02AM


I am using Full Text Search. I am able to search multiple words, single full words, and word from starting point to middle point (By adding '*' at the end of the string). But not able to search the word from middle of word to the last point and middle characters in a word.
Let me explain with an example.

I am searching for a string "Technology"
I searched for "Techno" then I am able to get the row which has "Technology"
After that I searched for "hnology" (from middle to end) then I am able not able to get the row which has "Technology".
After that I searched for "chnolo" (middle content) then I am able not able to get the row which has "Technology".

Is it possible to search like this? If so, Please help me regarding this.

Thank you in advance

Thanks & Regards,

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Full Text Searh from middle of word
April 28, 2009 08:02AM

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