Using LIKE instead of MATCH, it's not prohibitively difficult to exclude results that are substrings of other results. Given a keywords table ...
drop table if exists kvals;
create table kvals(kid int unsigned, kval varchar(255) );
insert into kvals values
(1, 'MySQL'),
(2, 'Database Developer'),
(3, 'Software Engineer'),
(4, 'Director of Development'),
(5, 'Developer'),
(6, 'eloper');
... this query finds kvals that are substrings of other kvals ...
select distinct a.kval
from kvals a
join kvals b on a.kval<>b.kval and locate(a.kval,b.kval)>0
... so given the text @s2 ...
set @s2 = "I am a Senior Software Developer with Director of Development experience specializing in JavaScript, JSON, and Web Development. I also have Management experience and have worked in Banking, Cloud, and custom CRM development environments. I am also familiar with .NET and Kittens.";
... this query finds hits in @s2 that aren't substrings of other hits ...
select *
from (
select kid,kval as hit
from kvals
where @s2 like concat('%',kval,'%')
) x
where hit not in(
select distinct a.kval
from kvals a
join kvals b on a.kval<>b.kval and locate(a.kval,b.kval)>0
| kid | hit |
| 4 | Director of Development |
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/06/2021 12:20PM by Peter Brawley.