Re: Access denied to mysql database using w2K professional
Posted by:
anand sarda
Date: September 18, 2004 06:56PM
There are a few suggestion to look at:
First, You can refer to the tutorial section in MySQL manual for managing the server.
Second, determin whether you have proper access to the server.
- Login using "mysql -u root" on the command prompt. Use "-p <password>" if you have set up the password for the user "root"
- On the console enter
- "use mysql" command, this will select the mysql database.
- "select host, user, password", this will show you the list of host and users
who have access to this server.
Now, check if the list contain the computer from which you are trying to access this server, if not then add it to the list in the following manner:
insert into user (host, user, password) values (<client's ip address>, <username>, password(<password string>);
After that, from the client computer's command prompt login as mentioned above using the new user name and password
Hope this helps.