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New to MySQL
Posted by: Brandon Davie
Date: October 01, 2004 04:29PM

Hi all,

I am new to using a MySQL DB with ASP. I am running on a Windows 2000 OS (not Win 2000 Server OS) with IIS as my server. I am using ASP and want to learn how to use a MySQL DB with ASP, I have installed MySQL DB, is that all I have to do to begin using MySQL as my DB (previously used MSACCESS)? I installed it on my C: drive where Inetpub is (not inside Inetpub folder), and thats all I have done. I haven't configured anything and I haven't started any executable. I'll be running my files with code to use MySQL DB in a ASP file in the Inetpub folder through IIS.

Thanks in advance.

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New to MySQL
October 01, 2004 04:29PM
October 25, 2004 02:04PM

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