Hi Guys,
I am a designer so I know nothing about Mysql. I am trying to set up "AutoLinks" for my website
http://www.spy-monitoring-software-shop.com .The installation guide instructs me to edit "crons job". My site is hosted with dotster and I can't find anything to do with "crons jobs" in the cPanel. If any of you Mysql gurus could guide me in the right direction it will be greatly appreciated. Cheers
Here is Step 1 in the installation guide :
STEP: 1 - Adding a database and configuring the db.php.
(For address of your cpanel you should ask your webhost or fetch it from the email that
you got from your webhost when you purchased the web space).
Go to your control panel, and click on Manage Mysql or whatever it says in your cPanel once inside create a Database, Database username, and Database password - once created be sure to add the username and password to that database.
While you are still in the control panel find your 'Cron Jobs' click that link and once inside click on 'standard'
You will need to copy this into the 'command to run:' section:
If you have your script in a directory like 'links' it will look like this:
/usr/bin/php /home/ControlPanel-Username/public_html/Script-Directory/admin/cron.php
You will need to edit it with your information where "ControlPanel-Username" and "Script-Directory" are..
In the other fields minutes, hours, days, weekdays and month set them to "once a day - every day - every week - every month" - that's it for the Cron..
You are finished with step one..