Hello guys,
I have got a very big problem on my neck.
we are using mysql 5.0.77 and couple of days back we moved our tables (which have historical data) from MYISAM engine to ARCHIVE. It went well, in fact I see files for these archive table (ARZ, ARM etc.,) in my file system. Things were good.
Couple of days back when we try to do database backup with the script, we noticed some of the table files didn't find by mysql. Diving bit deeper we came to know is all these tables are ARCHIVE tables. But we do see all table related file does exist in database folder. After doing some more investigation we came to know ARCHIVE engine is disabled on this server (This server went for schedule restart just 10 days back).
The "Show engines" command clearly shows below lines
*************************** 7. row ***************************
Support: NO
Comment: Archive storage engine
also this ...
mysql> show variables like 'have_archive'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Variable_name: have_archive
Value: NO
1 row in set (0.13 sec)
I don't know how this ENGINE is disabled on the fly. But my goal is to make ARCHIVE table's visible and accessible.
Can any one help me how to enable ARCHIVE engine on my server (5.0.77)?