It's on Linux machine.
I have really no idea, how it is installed. But I'm pretty much sure it should be with RPM.
My basic problem is -
1. I have got saveral archive engine tables, which were working just fine till few days ago.
2. When I try to work on these table now, I see below error.
mysql> select count(*) from MyTab_2008\G
ERROR 1017 (HY000): Can't find file: 'MyTab_2008' (errno: 2)
I remember our server went for restarting couple of days ago. Not sure what affected?
The above table does exist on server, I can see that with SHOW TABLES. I can even see ARCHIVE files (.ARM, .ARZ, .FRM) files for this table.
repair table, repair table MyTab_2008 USE_FRM - is also not working. Please see below-
mysql> repair table MyTab_2008 USE_FRM;
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| MyDB.MyTab_2008 | repair | Error | Can't open table |
| MySDB.MyTab_2008 | repair | error | Corrupt |