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is there a way to evaluate query results back into the query string?
Posted by: edward anastas
Date: September 08, 2004 12:51PM

I am trying to find a way to use the results of a mysql query as a part of the table name of a left join in that same query? here is an example...

FROM payments
LEFT JOIN CONCAT( 'payments_', payments.payment_type ) USING ( payment_id )
WHERE payments.payment_id = '3'

At the moment I do not think there is a way of doing this? I found a post that was similar my problem -->

If this functionality is not implemented, there have been mulitple times when I could have used it.

I would appreciate any suggestions if someone happens to know how to do this otherwise please add the functionality to mysql, thanks.

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is there a way to evaluate query results back into the query string?
September 08, 2004 12:51PM

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