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Docuentation on the new libmysqlclient needs improvement
Posted by: Igor Korot
Date: July 23, 2022 08:02PM

Hi, ALL,

2 things:

1. There is no indication on how to build libmysqlclient (formerly known as mySQL Connector C) on Windows with MSVC as a Debug version.

Building everything is a cmplete waste of time, especially if I don't need a server -- client only. But the docs doesn't explain how!

The documentation for old product did a perfect ob laying everything out. The current one says - build the server and it will build the library.

2. Documentation on how to use the library is even worse especially on Windows.

The very first sentence in the states:

To specify header and library file locations, use the facilities provided by your development environment.

What is provided by MSVC?

I know I need mysql.h and the dll, but there are multiple copies of the file available and I don't know which one I shuold use.

I sure hope someone from mySQL foundation will look at this post and fix it or at least confirm and explain here in the meantime

Thank you.

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Docuentation on the new libmysqlclient needs improvement
July 23, 2022 08:02PM

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