Cron bash MySQL Query from 2 tables - export to CSV
Posted by:
Kevin Mc
Date: September 13, 2013 04:07PM
I am really bad at creating MySQL queries and need some help. I need to create a bash file to be triggered by a cron job once a week - that queries two tables, grabbing data where the user IDs match in both tables, and adding the select data to a CSV export file. I would like the CSV to be comma separated. Right now the best I can get it tab separated, but that's not my current problem....
My issue in getting this query to run is my syntax (which I know is wrong as I have simply stolen snippets from various articles online). I did get each DB query to work separately (grabbing from one table with one query and another table with another query). Now I need to combine them to grab only the data I need.
Here's my current (non working) bash file:
mysql -u USERNAME --password=PASSWORD --database=xxxx_DBNAME --execute='SELECT xxxx_videotraining_user.user_id, xxxx_videotraining_user.training_title, xxxx_videotraining_user.status,,, xxxx_users.user_employer, xxxx_users.user_ss_number WHERE xxxx_videotraining_user.user_id = AND xxxx_videotraining_user.status = "Completed" AND xxxx_users.user_ss_number > "1" ORDER BY xxxx_videotraining_user.user_id LIMIT 0, 10000 AND ' -C > /home/xxxx/subs/vtc/DB_EXPORTS/xxxx_videotraining_completed.csv
I think you can see what I am trying to accomplish here - any help would be greatly appreciated!
NEXT: is there a way to email the results to a specific email address (or multiple addresses) using the bash file?
Thank you.
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Cron bash MySQL Query from 2 tables - export to CSV
September 13, 2013 04:07PM
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