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MySQL proxy error
Posted by: andrewa
Date: May 24, 2011 04:00PM

I have installed MySQL proxy 08.1 on Win7/64bit machine where I have a warehouse client software, which connects to MySQL 5.0 and 5.1 DB under Fedora servers for testing.
First error I managed to solve - the path interpretation seems to be incorrect. When I start mysql-proxy I get no error message, but trying to connect from the warehouse application on Win host to MySQL server on linux host, I get failed message:
C:\proxy\bin>mysql-proxy --admin-address= --admin-username=name --admin-password=pw --admin-lua-script=/lib/mysql-proxy/lua/admin.lua --proxy-address= --proxy-backend-addresses= --proxy-lua-script=\lib\mysql-proxy\lua\proxy\failover.lua
2011-05-24 23:37:06: (critical) network-mysqld-lua.c:234: lua_load_file(\lib\mysql-proxy\lua\proxy\failover.lua) failed: .\lua-scope.c:241: stat(\lib\mysql-proxy\lua \proxy\failover1.lua) failed: No error (0)

By moving admin.lua and failover.lua to the base folder I got another error message:

C:\proxy\bin>mysql-proxy --admin-address= --admin-username=name --admin-password=pw --admin-lua-script=admin.lua --proxy-address= --proxy-backend-addresses= --proxy-lua-script=failover1.lua
2011-05-24 23:38:36: ((error)) network-mysqld-packet.c.534: COM_(0x11) should be (ERR|OK), got fe

No word in Google about it, any idea?
My plans are to install MySQL proxy on all Win stations with warehouse client, then start master-master replication between 2 linux servers and achieve HA database access by the automatic switching of the clients by a failover lua script.
I have found a "simple failover" script failover.lua and its update to match the recent proxy changes.
I have no Lua socket installed on the Win host. Is my proxy installation incomplete? Are all neccessary files available in the zip file in the Download section of NySQL? Is proxy limited to 32 bit OS only?
Thanks to all responding.

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MySQL proxy error
May 24, 2011 04:00PM

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