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Not able to "Start Shell for MySQL Utilities" from MySQL Workbench on Windows 10
Posted by: Yury Makedonov
Date: August 12, 2021 08:44AM

I just installed mysql-installer-community- on Windows 10.
I started MySQL service and created my first Database OK.
I started MySQL Workbench and failed to start "Tools/Start Shell for MySQL Utilities" due to the following error message:

The command line MySQL Utilities could not be located.
To use them, you must download and install the utilities package for your system from
Click the Download button to proceed.

I clicked "Download" button, installed both mysql-utilities-1.6.5-win32.msi and mysql-utilities-1.6.5-winx64.msi (together with both vcredist_x86.exe and vcredist_x64.exe).

I still receive the same error when trying to launch "Shell for MySQL Utilities".

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Not able to "Start Shell for MySQL Utilities" from MySQL Workbench on Windows 10
August 12, 2021 08:44AM

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