In these fora, enclose text whose formatting you wish to preserve inside BBCode code tags.
If the spreadsheet outputs spaces for missing values and you need nulls for missing values, you could import into variables ...
load data ...
columns(@col0, @col1, ...)
set col1=if(@col1=' ',null,@col1), etc ...
... for all columns, but you'll need to write that 132 times. (See the Load Data Infile manual page for examples.) That's an argument for scripting this input step in a complete language for which there's a MySQL API, eg PHP.
And if you're going to do that, and if the table here is meant as a permanent table for data analysis (rather than just sucking up spreadsheet data), consider fixing its design with something like ...
swa_averages ( bottle_id int unsigned, mo smallint unsigned, value unsigned, primary key(bottle_id,mo) )
... to dispense with the monstrosity of column names containing indexing digits.
Finally, if you must use Notepad (ugh) for handling text files coming into or out of MySQL, be sure to set its charset to what MySQL is using.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/18/2022 12:12PM by Peter Brawley.