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Disk Crash & ibdata1
Posted by: AMIR-TAHMASSEB Marc
Date: October 05, 2007 01:44PM

Hi everybody,

I had a disk crash few days ago. My mysql server was in this disk and I lost everything.
The only thing that I still have is the "ibdata1" file (about 300Mo).
Is it possible for me to recover my datas from this file ?
If yes, how can I do it ?

I hope it's possible ! because I had a lot of work in this database !!!

Thanks for you help,


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Disk Crash & ibdata1
October 05, 2007 01:44PM
October 10, 2007 12:43AM
October 11, 2007 09:29PM
October 18, 2007 07:25AM

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