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Recovering InnoDB databases/tables
Posted by: Andrew Chan
Date: March 23, 2009 11:07PM

I have a database with all InnoDB tables.

I am a little bit confused about the file structure

the .frm files are the table format
the .ibd files inside the database folder are the data
I have a ibdata1 file, which should be the shared tablespace.

The above should all be restored. I know that, OK. The problem goes to the transaction log

I have two files, ib_logfile0 and ib_logfile1. They are at 10mb in size. I suppose they are the transaction log file.

Then I turned on the Binary Log function, I learn that I can't restore point-in-time if I dun turn on Binary Log.

Then what does the ib_logfiles do?

what is a proper restore strategy for InnoDB tables if I need to have the transactions/statements roll forward to the latest second?

thank you very much

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Recovering InnoDB databases/tables
March 23, 2009 11:07PM

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