Checking the goodness of MYSQL* handle
Posted by: Giovanni Txxxxxx
Date: October 11, 2012 03:29AM

Hello everybody,

I've written a C client application with a function that tries to do some checks before performing any query to the server.

In details, it uses mysql_ping(), eventually re-inits the connection with mysql_init() and mysql_real_connect() and then calls mysql_query().

I want to add a check at the beginning of the function, about the MYSQL* handle which is used also as parameter by mysql_ping().

In fact, if the handle is somehow unusable (overwritten / subturfuged / damaged / anything) I get a segfault when using it.
I tried both this checks:

MYSQL* mysql;
if (mysql!=NULL) mysql_ping(mysql);
if (mysql) mysql_ping(mysql)

but they do not work (segfault if handle is already damaged).

The only mean I have to avoid the segfault is to reinitialize the handle with mysql_init(), just before the point I know the handle is already damaged.

What I want to do is then the following:

if (handle is not ok) handle=mysql_init()

But I don't know how to check if the handle is ok without getting a segmentation fault.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions!

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Checking the goodness of MYSQL* handle
October 11, 2012 03:29AM

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