Using parameters
Is it possible to use parameterised queries with the connector.
Connector my_conn; // The Connector/Arduino reference
const char AddEvent[] = "INSERT INTO event (Record_Key, DateEntered, Point_ID, State, Message)
VALUES (:Record_Key, :DateEntered, :Point_ID, :State, :Message)";
// somehow set up my_conn for parameters
// I'm a delphi programmer so I will enter
// what I'm trying to say in delphi style
//-------------- start of sample
my_conn.query = "INSERT INTO event (Record_Key, DateEntered, Point_ID, State, Message) VALUES (:Record_Key, :DateEntered, :Point_ID, :State, :Message)"; // ADDEVENT Query
my_conn.prepare; // prepare the query
my_conn.ParamByName("Record_Key").value = "BGY000001"; // assign the record_key
my_conn.ParamByName("DateEntered").value = "2014/02/18 12:23:03"; // assign datetime
my_conn.ParamByName("Point_ID").value = 10; // assign point_id
// another way
my_conn.Param[3].value = 7; // assign state value
my_conn.Param[4].value = "Hot Water System 240V Bypass - ON"; // assing message
// execute the query
//-------------- end of sample
I would not expect this sort of functionalaty to work on a UNO, I am
targeting a DUE or MEGA
I hope you understand what I mean by the above.
I would also like to thank you for the work you have already done, it
is a fantasic effort.
I really think your onto something here, I store all the data I retrieve
from my arduinos into MYSQL. Currenty I do it through Delphi programs
by reading comm ports. With your connector I am hoping to get rid of the
PC's running my programs and do the saving directly from the arduino.
I am going to start converting to the arduino using the sprintf function
to build the query string but I would really love the Parameters way of
doing things.
Many thanks
Written By
Using parameters
February 22, 2014 12:33AM
February 26, 2014 02:23PM
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