Re: mysqlsh parallel import error
still unable to make it work
cat test3.csv
0,0,0,"run_intf_filter is handling Data Source ID 15.",2023-01-25 02:32:38
0,0,0,"No records to filter for 15!",2023-01-25 02:32:38
0,0,0,"run_intf_filter is handling Data Source ID 17.",2023-01-25 02:32:38
0,0,0,"No records to filter for 17!",2023-01-25 02:32:38
0,0,0,"run_intf_filter is handling Data Source ID 21.",2023-01-25 02:32:38
0,0,0,"Calling INTF_FILTER.process_cddb2_interface()...",2023-01-25 02:32:38
0,0,0,"run_intf_filter is handling Data Source ID 23.",2023-01-25 02:32:38
0,0,0,"Calling INTF_FILTER.process_cddb2_interface()...",2023-01-25 02:32:38
0,0,0,"run_intf_filter is handling Data Source ID 47.",2023-01-25 02:32:38
0,0,0,"No records to filter for 47!",2023-01-25 02:32:38
mysql> desc test.sanjay_test1
-> ;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| INTF_ID | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
| BATCH_JOB_NO | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
| STATUS_CODE | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
| MESSAGE | varchar(1000) | YES | | NULL | |
| MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP | datetime | YES | | NULL | |
5 rows in set (0.03 sec)
Tried 3 different options so even single quote and double quotes errors are different.
mysqlsh --uri=mysql://root:xxx@localhost:3306 -- util import-table test3.csv --schema=test table=sanjay_test1 --linesTerminatedBy=$'\n' --fieldsTerminatedBy=','
WARNING: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
ERROR: The following option is invalid: --linesTerminatedBy=
mysqlsh --uri=mysql://root:xxx@localhost:3306 -- util import-table test3.csv --schema=test table=sanjay_test1 --linesTerminatedBy=$"\r\n" --fieldsTerminatedBy=","
WARNING: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
ERROR: Target table is not set. The target table for the import operation must be provided in the options.
mysqlsh --uri=mysql://root:xxx@localhost:3306 -- util import-table test3.csv --schema=test table=sanjay_test1 --linesTerminatedBy=$"\n" --fieldsTerminatedBy=","
WARNING: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
ERROR: Target table is not set. The target table for the import operation must be provided in the options.