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Re: Where is Forum MySQL for Visual Studio?
Posted by: Christian Benner
Date: December 01, 2021 05:14PM

You mean its better to waste time there? Have you seen How many of the reports and messages are answered in the last years?

Have you seen the "Worklog" on the WEB-Site? Take a look, its very interesting. Last work was done un June 2021. (I hope this is only a lack in person whos responsible for the worklog area and not the real worklog?

Habe you seen the bugtracker? On how many of the bugs are really worked on and not only archieved them?

Sorry but whatever mySQL was in the past since Oracle maintains it gets horrible in communication, in their work, in what they so called "stable" version and they get lost in spheres but not in community and making mySQL what it was ....

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Re: Where is Forum MySQL for Visual Studio?
December 01, 2021 05:14PM

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