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Re: Concurrency probloem of MyIsam.
Posted by: Rick James
Date: January 05, 2013 03:23PM

> Such as process A insert 1000 records,but process B only obtained 900 records,and randomly lost some records.

That will not happen.

But, something did happen.

Let's investigate...

Please provide SHOW CREATE TABLE. You must have a PRIMARY KEY (or UNIQUE KEY), and you must use it for de-queuing.

Are you using a single (batch) INSERT statement? Or 1000 INSERT statements?

Could there have been 100 cases of "duplicate keys"? What client are you using? Did you check for errors?

> Process B get the first record and delete it continuously.

Please show us the queries involved.

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Written By
January 01, 2013 10:08PM
Re: Concurrency probloem of MyIsam.
January 05, 2013 03:23PM

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