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InnoDB on RHE3 buffer pool swapped out..
Posted by: Andrew Mcleod
Date: April 25, 2005 10:35AM


I would like to be able to run InnoDB with a high buffer pool size (such as 768MB) where my total database sizes are similar to this size, but after a few minutes the whole pool seems to get swapped out, thus causing any performance improvements from using a high buffer pool size to be obsolete..

I've attempted to research more on this subject, and found that people go as far to suggesting to disable swap space completely, but I really prefer not to do this...

I've experimented with the memlock options but that only results in the server inevitably crashing quite quickly, I suspect the memlock function isn't suitable for Linux :-)


So.. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

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InnoDB on RHE3 buffer pool swapped out..
April 25, 2005 10:35AM

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