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"Warning: using a partial-field key prefix in search."
Posted by: Richard Harms
Date: May 10, 2005 01:35PM

When doing some testing with 5.0.4-beta, I'm ending up with thousands of messages like:

050510 13:40:19 InnoDB: Warning: using a partial-field key prefix in search.
InnoDB: index `sequencedetails_index4_idx` of table `darkrealms/sequencedetails`. Last data field length 8 bytes,
InnoDB: key ptr now exceeds key end by 4 bytes.
InnoDB: Key value in the MySQL format:
len 16; hex 0c00000000000000010000009a999999; asc ;

...across all tables, in the server's error log. Is this a bug, or is there something I need to change to prevent these from occuring? It seems like it is only in tables that have varchar columns, using the utf8 character set.


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"Warning: using a partial-field key prefix in search."
May 10, 2005 01:35PM

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