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Avoiding table locks
Posted by: Michael Robinson
Date: October 14, 2022 03:50AM

Simple description: I'm doing a big delete and want to avoid locking the table for other users reading the table.

More complex description: I have a large(ish) table with 200K/day recs going back years. I'm trying to clean out the old data without causing locks on people reading the more recent data. The table is InnoDB and is indexed on date etc. The table is used 24/7 and I can't just use one large delete as A) I don't think the server would cope, B) the locks would kill the application and C) the delete is slightly more complex as I intend to keep one representative record per day.

Locking: I'm currently deleting a day at a time (about 0.3% of data) which takes 20 secs. I understood with InnoDB that it would be record locking but the command "show open tables where In_use > 0" shows the table with in_use sometimes at 1 and sometimes at 2. Does this mean it's tale locking (bad) or just using record locking (good)? When does mysql InnoDB switch to a table lock? I'm only concerned about locking the table from other users reading it.

Other approach: I could copy the table and do all my operations on the new table before renaming it to the old table name. I'm not sure of what the risks are here - we don't use stored procs or triggers on the table though we do rely on auto increment ids. Any opinions on this approach?

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Avoiding table locks
October 14, 2022 03:50AM
October 20, 2022 03:01AM

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