Storing Arc Type Coordinates in MySQL 5
Posted by:
Sajith S
Date: November 13, 2006 05:56AM
i am using MYSQL 5.0 and would like to store some gis coordinate system in the mysql db.
My Question is how can i store an Arc or a linestring with multiple x,y coordinates.
my Sample coordinate system is given below
(837673.49483448,897799.87646918, 0, 0)
(838780.86205188,897369.23366241, 0, 0)
(839170.49125801,897164.16565918, 0, 0)
(839970.25647058,896651.49565112, 0, 0)
(840542.51994158,895979.67802725, 0, 0)
this arc or multilinestring is having 5 coordinates. how can i represent the same in the mysql db
Platform and Configuration
Windows XP SP2
MySQL Server 5.0