How can MySQL support GEOMETRY
Posted by:
ken ze
Date: May 13, 2005 04:57AM
I am the new user of MySQL, I just installed mysql-4.1.11 on my windows xp. I tried to use an example from GeoTools to create a table for a spatial map. below is part of the code:
use spearfish;
CREATE TABLE archsites (gid int(8),ID int(8) , CAT_ID int(8) , CAT_DESC varchar(30));
(this part can be run successfully!!)
But after that, the rest of the code cant be executed:
ALTER TABLE archsites ADD the_geom POINT;
insert into archsites (gid,ID,CAT_ID,CAT_DESC,the_geom) values ('0','1','1','Signature Rock',GeometryFromText('POINT (593493 4914730)',-1) );
insert into archsites (gid,ID,CAT_ID,CAT_DESC,the_geom) values ('1','2','2','No Name',GeometryFromText('POINT (591950 4923000)',-1) );
The error says "The storage engine for the table doesn't support GEOMETRY"
so I dont know how to deal with it.