Distance calculation query
Good morning, fellow MySQL users.
I use GIS software and develop my spatial queries inside those software. But, I am trying to learn how to do it directly in MySQL.
I want to ask if the spatial extensions of MySQL can do the following, and if possibel, can some one give me an example query to understand the concepts and structure.
I have 2 point layers. One called customers, and another one called datalog.
The datalog point layer, is a track made of points (lat/lon) coordinates, downloaded form a GPS datalogger, which is carried by delivery trucks.
What we want to do, is verify is the delivery stops at the customers location.
I have done this in several GIS, using queries like Select All points from customer locations within a 15 meters radius (distance query) . Or by doing a buffer zone around customer locations of 15 meters wide, and Selecting all point in that area, using "touches or containing". This works well.
But, I would like to do it in MySQL directly, without using a GIS.
Can anybody, help me out.
Just for your information, these is part of a fleet monitoring system. (passive tracking)
Also, if you have done similar work, please let me know. There is probably a better way to do it.
Thank you very much, have a nice day.
P.S. ¿PostgreSQL with PostGIS, is it a better option than MySQL with Spatial extensions?