Aggregate functions ?
Posted by:
m mm
Date: April 02, 2016 05:43PM
When can we expect the following functions ? I really hate postgis.
ST_3DExtent - an aggregate function that returns the box3D bounding box that bounds rows of geometries.
ST_Accum - Aggregate. Constructs an array of geometries.
ST_ClusterIntersecting - Aggregate. Returns an array with the connected components of a set of geometries
ST_ClusterWithin - Aggregate. Returns an array of GeometryCollections, where each GeometryCollection represents a set of geometries separated by no more than the specified distance.
ST_Collect - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from a collection of other geometries.
ST_Extent - an aggregate function that returns the bounding box that bounds rows of geometries.
ST_MakeLine - Creates a Linestring from point or line geometries.
ST_MemUnion - Same as ST_Union, only memory-friendly (uses less memory and more processor time).
ST_Polygonize - Aggregate. Creates a GeometryCollection containing possible polygons formed from the constituent linework of a set of geometries.
ST_SameAlignment - Returns true if rasters have same skew, scale, spatial ref, and offset (pixels can be put on same grid without cutting into pixels) and false if they don't with notice detailing issue.
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Aggregate functions ?
April 02, 2016 05:43PM
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