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Not using index properly in 4.1.7
Posted by: F de Bruijn
Date: December 07, 2004 03:22AM


I've recently upgraded from version 4.0.16 to 4.1.7 because I needed subqueries. But when I installed it and got it to work for my application I noticed that the indexes that where on my tables where no longer used. Also when I dropped them and recreated all of the indexes (primary and secondary) it still didn't use the index. Is there some change in how MySQL uses the indexes on tables ?
In 4.0.16 I got a result within a second from a table with 16 million records. In version 4.1.7 this was a minute.

I've run the explain on the select and saw that in 4.1.7 the select did not use the index that it was using in 4.0.16. To check if there was an problem with the table I have run the ANALYZE TABLE, but that says everything was OK.

Does anyone has the same problem in 4.1.7 or does someone know how to solve it please let me know.

With kind regards,

F. de Bruijn

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Not using index properly in 4.1.7
December 07, 2004 03:22AM
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