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Re: DELETE performance problem
Posted by: Bradford Folkens
Date: January 31, 2005 08:45AM

Maybe this will help some people...

I think I've found a workaround to the problem with the slow DELETEs

It seems that multi-table delete I tried in the earlier post are incredibly slow (around 20 hours) - the same query, when using single table deletes (in series) is orders of magnitude faster. First delete took 10 seconds, second only took 5 mintues - which is a *dramatic* increase in speed.

I know a multi-table delete must be slower (key lookups, merge, etc) - but I had no idea it could be so much slower.

Unfortunately there are still deletes I need to do with multi-table joins, so if anyone has some insight I would greatly appreciate it! :)

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January 29, 2005 07:36PM
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Re: DELETE performance problem
January 31, 2005 08:45AM

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