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MyISAM, key cache, and open tables
Posted by: Brian O'Neill
Date: April 27, 2005 02:27PM

Appoligies for posting this a 2nd time, I first posted it in the MyISAM forum but noticed there is very little traffic there and it seems just as approriate for this forum.

I have recently switched from using InnoDB to MyISAM (issues with InnoDB file size and select speed). I'm running on a server with a large amount of memory (8G). When using InnoDB I had it's key cache set very high and it filled it and I had a very high hitrate on my key buffer. Now, with MyISAM I'm down to around 35% hitrate on the same data.

My thought on the problem is it has to do with the number of open tables. I currently have about 14,000 tables and my table_cache value is set to 500. If I increase this value my hitrate increases, but, the time it takes to do my inserts goes up 50-75% which is worse then my slow selects. Right now I've found that about 500 tables in the table_cache is my sweet spot. I normally have about 70-80 threads running at a time.

From what I can gather mysql has to have the index file for a MyISAM table open for it to reference it in the key buffer. This seems very odd to me. Can anyone confirm this? I know it's not an issue with my key_buffer size as it's set to 4G and it's currently using only 86M.

I should also add I'm running 4.1.10a and all 14,000 tables are being opening atleast once in a 60 second period. In the last 24 hours that my server has been running it has opened 37M tables.

Here's a quick snapshot of mtop:
load average: 9.54, 9.49, 9.50 mysqld 4.1.10a-standard-log up 1 day(s), 5:22 hrs
65 threads: 37 running, 3 cached. Queries/slow: 56.9M/49 Cache Hit: 33.58%
Opened tables: 37.0M RRN: 711.2M TLW: 18.7K SFJ: 0 SMP: 0 QPS: 1K MEM: 6GB

Any thoughts?


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MyISAM, key cache, and open tables
April 27, 2005 02:27PM

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