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Re: Which memory settings to change?
Posted by: BJ Quinn
Date: January 28, 2009 04:46PM

Thanks for the concise response, it's exactly what I was looking for!!

You're suggesting I give InnoDB maybe 70% of available RAM, and MyISAM 25%. Would I not be better off trying to see if it were possible to eliminate all my MyISAM tables in order to not have to allocate much to MyISAM, then maybe even more to InnoDB? Are the memory allocations hard caps or can they overlap a bit? (i.e. buffer_pool + key_buffer + OS RAM usage cannot be greater than 100% RAM)

I'm not looking for fine-tuning, just the major stuff. Is that pretty much all the settings I need to look at?


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January 26, 2009 06:22PM
January 28, 2009 12:39AM
Re: Which memory settings to change?
January 28, 2009 04:46PM
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