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Re: Improving Slow Query
Posted by: Rick James
Date: May 04, 2010 11:52PM

Do EXPLAIN PARTITION ...; I suspect it is not doing any pruning. One way that might help with pruning:
1. Do your SELECT ... WHERE ... AND pub_date > 1268553600 ORDER BY...
2. If step 1 did not get enough rows, run the original query.

Another trick is to use the index to get the desired ids, then get the bulky stuff:
Current query:
select  id, title, link, description, author,
        image, guid, feature_id, feature_name,
        source, source_name, keyword, pub_date,
        feature_username, feature_url, featured,
        lat, lon
    from  item
    where  feature_id in (867,307,1779,2363,
    order by  pub_date DESC
    limit  0,20
Revised (may help):
select  id, title, link, description, author,
        image, guid, feature_id, feature_name,
        source, source_name, keyword, pub_date,
        feature_username, feature_url, featured,
        lat, lon
    from  item i
    JOIN  ( SELECT id, pub_date, feature_id
               where  feature_id in (867,307,1779,2363, 2377,199,2231,2607)
               order by  pub_date DESC
               limit  0,20 
            FROM item 
          ) j
    ON = AND j.pub_date = i.pub_date AND j.feature_id = i.feature_id
    ORDER BY pub_date DESC

Another technique _might_ be to somehow figure out the pub_date range up front (perhaps with the subquery I suggested above), then add that to the main query. This is to try to get "partition pruning" to kick in.

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Written By
May 03, 2010 01:03AM
Re: Improving Slow Query
May 04, 2010 11:52PM
May 05, 2010 04:26AM
May 05, 2010 09:13AM

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