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how to find out all sql and table of running transaction
Posted by: elison chen
Date: December 17, 2015 01:30AM

hi, all:
I found some running transaction using below sql ,i want to tuning that,but i don't known the sql and table information of this transaction,how to find out it?

root@localhost)[(none)]>select 'innodb_trx',
-> trx_id,
-> trx_mysql_thread_id thread_id,
-> trx_state,
-> timestampdiff(second, trx_started, now()) trx_elap_sec,
-> timestampdiff(second, trx_wait_started, now()) wait_sec,
-> trx_rows_locked rows_locked,
-> trx_rows_modified rows_modified,
-> substring(trx_query, 1, 60)
-> from information_schema.innodb_trx
-> order by trx_elap_sec desc, wait_sec desc;

innodb_trx 8A006C5D 10088406 RUNNING 80169 NULL 2 7 NULL
innodb_trx 8AF4D6D4 10119037 RUNNING 10 NULL 0 0 NULL
innodb_trx 8AF4F536 10143800 RUNNING 8 NULL 0 0 NULL
innodb_trx 8AF532C3 10122351 RUNNING 5 NULL 0 0 NULL
innodb_trx 8AF527F9 10119038 RUNNING 5 NULL 0 0 NULL
innodb_trx 8AF532F9 10119034 RUNNING 5 NULL 2 0 NULL
innodb_trx 8AF532B6 10122352 RUNNING 5 NULL 0 0 NULL
innodb_trx 8AF532B7 10143801 RUNNING 5 NULL 2 0 NULL
innodb_trx 8AF58175 10119043 RUNNING 1 NULL 0 0 NULL
innodb_trx 8AF57880 10119036 RUNNING 1 NULL 0 0 NULL
innodb_trx 8AF5789D 10245006 RUNNING 1 NULL 2 0 NULL
innodb_trx 8AF5873C 10132546 RUNNING 0 NULL 0 0 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ((SELECT F01, F02, F03, F04, F05, F06,
innodb_trx 8AF5864C 10132503 RUNNING 0 NULL 0 0 SELECT * FROM ((SELECT F01, F02, F03, F04, F05, F06, F07, F0
innodb_trx 8AF58672 10132542 RUNNING 0 NULL 0 0 SELECT * FROM ((SELECT F01, F02, F03, F04, F05, F06, F07, F0

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how to find out all sql and table of running transaction
December 17, 2015 01:30AM

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