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max_allowed_packet error
Posted by: Ra Nala
Date: February 02, 2016 05:12AM

Hi Sir, Madam.

I am trying to load millions of records using one of the ETL tool called Pentaho data integration and facing error like max_allowed_packet while loading millions of records.

i tried to increase max_allowed_packet =64M in my.ini file and restarted the service and effected correctly. when i apply show variables command below is the result.

max_allowed_packet =67108864

Still i am facing issue with max_allowed_packet. Please suggest me how can i achieve this issue.

Variable_name Value
------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------
auto_increment_increment 1
auto_increment_offset 1
autocommit ON
automatic_sp_privileges ON
avoid_temporal_upgrade OFF
back_log 80
basedir D:\MySQLinstallation\
big_tables OFF
bind_address *
binlog_cache_size 32768
binlog_checksum CRC32
binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates OFF
binlog_error_action IGNORE_ERROR
binlog_format STATEMENT
binlog_gtid_simple_recovery OFF
binlog_max_flush_queue_time 0
binlog_order_commits ON
binlog_row_image FULL
binlog_rows_query_log_events OFF
binlog_stmt_cache_size 32768
binlogging_impossible_mode IGNORE_ERROR
block_encryption_mode aes-128-ecb
bulk_insert_buffer_size 8388608
character_set_client utf8
character_set_connection utf8
character_set_database utf8
character_set_filesystem binary
character_set_server utf8
character_set_system utf8
character_sets_dir D:\MySQLinstallation\share\charsets\
collation_connection utf8_general_ci
collation_database utf8_general_ci
collation_server utf8_general_ci
completion_type NO_CHAIN
concurrent_insert AUTO
connect_timeout 10
core_file OFF
datadir D:\MySQLinstallation\Data\
date_format %Y-%m-%d
datetime_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s
default_storage_engine InnoDB
default_tmp_storage_engine InnoDB
default_week_format 0
delay_key_write ON
delayed_insert_limit 100
delayed_insert_timeout 300
delayed_queue_size 1000
disconnect_on_expired_password ON
div_precision_increment 4
end_markers_in_json OFF
enforce_gtid_consistency OFF
eq_range_index_dive_limit 10
error_count 0
event_scheduler OFF
expire_logs_days 0
explicit_defaults_for_timestamp OFF
flush OFF
flush_time 0
foreign_key_checks ON
ft_boolean_syntax + -><()~*:""&|
ft_max_word_len 84
ft_min_word_len 4
ft_query_expansion_limit 20
ft_stopword_file (built-in)
general_log OFF
general_log_file SNOWBREEZE.log
group_concat_max_len 1024
gtid_mode OFF
gtid_next AUTOMATIC
have_compress YES
have_crypt NO
have_dynamic_loading YES
have_geometry YES
have_openssl DISABLED
have_profiling YES
have_query_cache YES
have_rtree_keys YES
have_ssl DISABLED
have_symlink YES
host_cache_size 279
master_info_repository FILE
master_verify_checksum OFF
max_allowed_packet 67108864

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Written By
max_allowed_packet error
February 02, 2016 05:12AM
February 06, 2016 07:26PM

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