Re: Mysql 5.5 memory issues.
5.5 is obsolete and very near EOL. You need to upgrade, first to 5.6, then to 5.7, then to InnoDB, and as soon as possible to InnoDB.
So we can answer your question, please ...
(i) post the result of ...
select engine,data,indexes,total
from (
ifnull(engine,'TOTALS') as engine,
concat(data,' GB') as data,
concat(indexes,' GB') as indexes,
concat(tot,' GB') as total,
if(engine is null,-1,tot) as ord
from (
round( sum(data_length)/1024/1024/1024, 2 ) as data,
round( sum(index_length)/1024/1024/1024, 2 ) as indexes,
round( sum(data_length+index_length)/1024/1024/1024, 2 ) as tot
from information_schema.tables
where engine is not null and engine not in('information_schema','performance_schema')
group by engine with rollup
) sums
) list
order by list.ord desc;
(ii) post the results of running these queries in the mysql client program ...
show variables;
show global status;
(iii) post the result of ...
free -m