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MySQL cluster MGMD
Posted by: Rytis Sileika
Date: October 05, 2004 06:27AM


Has anybody ever got MySQL cluster running?

Now let me tell you my story.

step 1

Downloaded and built (nothing special, just configured with --with-ndbcluster option) MySQL 4.1.6. Compilation passed without any errors. MySQL itself runs smooth, no probs at all.

Fun began when I tried to start ndb_mgmd. I had to create Ndb.cfg file with the following info in it: nodeid=1;host=localhost:2200
All it did is just crashed without any warning (sytem prompted: Aborted, strace showed the same thing: +++ Killed by SIGABRT +++)

step 2

Downloaded and built (again, nothing special, same configure line as above) MySQL 5.0.2. Everything is fine as above, MySQL runs smoothly no probs.

Now, ndb_mgmd complained about 'no configuration file specified'.
Fair enough, I created config.ini (as show in MySQL doc example):
NoOfReplicas: 1




HostName = localhost

HostName = localhost
DataDir: /mc-data

What I get now is this:
Illegal call to ConfigInfo::getInfo() - NDBD
After some try-and-error steps, I figured out that it does not like the ' DEFAULT' bit in the conf file. Good, here's my next attempt:
NoOfReplicas: 1




HostName = localhost

HostName = localhost
DataDir: /mc-data

Now I get:
Error line 4: Parameter "ExecuteOnComputer" missing from DB section [DB] starting at line: 1
Error line 4: Could not store previous section of configuration file.
Why??? Why would I need DB section on my mgmt node? Anyway, adding lines
ExecuteOnComputer: 1
did give me exaclty the same result... Strange, ain't it? (Adding [COMPUTER] section did not help)

Right. Let's then start from the very beginning. And that would be a config file:
HostName = localhost
This gave an immediate: 'Aborted'. No additional comments at all.

Could anyone give me an example of how to configure this thing properly? It all seems that failures are due to some buggy code. Or am I configuring and building this thing somehow improperly?
BTW, exactly the same behavior I observe on SuSE 8 (2.4.19 kernel) and Mandrake 10 (whatever kernel it's got)

All I want to do is to get two servers running MySQL in a cluter, with mgmd on one of them.

Rytis Sileika

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Written By
MySQL cluster MGMD
October 05, 2004 06:27AM
October 05, 2004 02:12PM
October 11, 2004 03:55AM

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