Windows MySQL Cluster 8.0.21 - as far as I can get - with tips
HI Guys,
First post and I think I will know the answer, which may be, it cannot be done.
Anyway here goes....
This is a All Windows Setup of MySQL Cluster 8.0.21.
With windows 10 you need to install Open SSH Server on each VM you are going to use.
You then open port 22 for the SSH and port 1186 for the Cluster in the Windows firewall.
Ensure that each VM uses the same User name and password to log into windows. It will not work if the password is NULL or different
Ensure Each VM uses a Unique PC name - I have used SQL-Cluster-c1, SQL-Cluster-c2, SQL-Cluster-c3 etc...
Open Services and configure Open SSH to start automatically. It is set to manual by default.
Install "mysql-cluster-8.0.21-winx64.msi" on all VM's. Select Typical
Choose a VM as the one you will be using the Cluster Installer and note the IP address.
Note the IP address of the other VM's
If you get here then you should be able to configure the cluster
on the installer VM open the folder
c:\program Files\
right click on MySQL and click on properties
Security / Edit / Add
In the big field of the new window type in "Everyone" no quotes
Check Names / OK
Allow - Full Control
Apply / Wait a few moments /OK
Move to folder
c:\program Files\MySQL\MySQL Cluster 8.0
you will find setup.bat, Right click on it and click on EDIT
add this one line to the top of the file (above the REM lines, you can add a few blank lines as well)
del c:\users\<your windows username>\.mcc\
What this does is allow you to run the installer without having to delete this file every time you close the SHELL which will open in the next step.
If you want to add a shortcut to this file to the desktop
run "" and wait about 20 seconds , it should launch your browser.
Click on RUN CONFIGURATION (sometimes I have to click it again)
type in "test"
in HOST NAME type in all the VM's IP address's separated with a comma BUT start with the VM you are on.
User name = the windows login username
password = the windows login password
To this point there are no MySQL usernames or passwords.
Tick "Open Ports in Firewall"
Click "Save and Next"
You should see Fetching and each VM will have a line.
If you get an error then check these things
Open SSH service is running in the VM
IP address of the VM
The username and password is the same (Note: Case Sensitive).
If all is OK you should have lines telling you about the VM;s configurations.
Cores , memory etc...
The top line should be the IP of the VM you are on. More than likely it will be different to the others under "MySQL Cluster Install Directory". The one for the VM you are on is correct (assume a bug). Click on it and you will be able to highlight and copy the text.
Paste it into the other VM's fields so they are all matching.
Save and Next
Save and Next
Save and Next
Deploy Cluster
It takes about minute so be patient.
You should get "cluster deployed"
Start cluster
This is as far as I can get.
There error mentions N1 service does not exist as an installed service.
Any ideas?
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Windows MySQL Cluster 8.0.21 - as far as I can get - with tips
July 30, 2020 12:01AM
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