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ERROR 2006 (HY000) MySQL server has gone away
Posted by: Marek Strop
Date: December 05, 2013 04:26AM

Hi, I am getting crazy about this :(. I have huge database (about 2GB dump), where only one table with longblob column is big. I have to transfer the database to another PC. So, I mysqldump it (it's OK), but any time I try to load the dump I get the error. So, I was Googling and Googling. Whatever I found it was talking about max-allowed-packet setting. So I tuned my mysqldump - 5M setting was OK as the smallest number. But still I am not able to load the dump, although I have max_allowed_packet=64M in my my.ini file (I am running Win 8 64bit). I increased other values in the ini file as well. Now I am lost .... :( Please, could anybody help me to identify and solve the problem?


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ERROR 2006 (HY000) MySQL server has gone away
December 05, 2013 04:26AM

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