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Binary Backup of innodb
Posted by: Sumit Kumar Roy
Date: January 17, 2006 12:49AM

We have developed an hot backup utility for innodb ( in shell script). The theme is to run 2 instance of mysql in master and slave mode. Backup is taken from the Slave DB. While taking backup the slave DB is asked to synchronise with the master DB. then the replication is stopped and a snapshot of the slave DB is taken. The code is something like this

flush tables with read lock ;
\!{ cd $DB2_DIR ; tar -czvf $BACKUP_DIR/data.tgz . ;} 2>&1 >> $LOGFILE
flush logs ;
unlock tables ;

But when we restore from the backup. The database fails to startup, giving assertion failure.
We are using mysql version 4.0.17 on linux kernal 2.4.
Can anybody give a clue or workaround of the problem.

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Binary Backup of innodb
January 17, 2006 12:49AM

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